Aries Last Quarter Moon
June 28, 2024, 5:53pm ET
Astrology Forecast for Emotional Balance June 28 – July 5, 2024
Cancer Season Meditation on Inner Flow
Use Your Outrage
At the Aries Last Quarter Moon during Cancer season, use your outrage in defense of someone in need. This extends to feeling angry about current attacks on civil rights and individual freedoms. You may also be driven to stand up for the right to simply have and express vulnerable feelings. Direct your warrior energy into a positive collective outlet to help you release your indignation. As the storm passes, also look for comic relief.
Multiple Healing Avenues
As the Moon wanes this week, watch for multiple healing avenues to open. The balsamic Moon phase always beckons you into the underworld of your experience. Therefore, read your frustration or anxiety as signposts that mark the entrance to the inner world of your emotional triggers. Pay close attention to how these issues land in your physical body. Actively accept gifts of compassion and return in kind. If you uncover a difficult core truth, be brave and converse with others about whatever is on your mind.
Hold Space for Insights
On June 29, if you have to deal with fallout from yesterday’s need to defend, sweat it out. This also supports others who seek to stabilize their own emotions. As Saturn retrogrades in Pisces, consider your relationship with empathy. If you are a natural empath, you might need to clarify boundaries. Others may need to be more tactful in their approach. Do something fun that makes you feel alive. Hold space for insights that come from your gut feeling. On June 30, feel your feet hit the ground as the Moon enters earthy Taurus. If you feel bowled over by an unexpected emotional discovery, stay anchored and breathe. Enjoy the quiet for the rest of the day, preferably in the awe-inspiring outdoors.
Mystic Understanding
On July 1 sit quietly and smell the flowers. Let your steadfast and loyal presence speak louder than words. On July 2, approach the day with an air of serenity. It’s almost as if your intuition flows directly from the wellspring of mystic understanding. The world seems to stand still for a brief moment. Although the sensation disappears, your connection to the ethereal remains in the background like a low tide. You may want to risk divulging your near-transcendent experience. In doing so, you share a new level of vulnerability, perhaps a bit uncomfortably. Move beyond the discomfort, as it later proves to be a gift of intimacy.
An Attitude of Reverence
July 3 arrives flush with a hunger for knowledge. Some unearthed secret is actually a surprisingly hopeful insight. Follow your curiosity. On July 4, invite conversations about unusual topics. People may be unusually willing to discuss taboo subjects as an increasing number of people are recognizing the kernels of wisdom lodged in their interior worlds. Welcome it with an open heart, draw it out, and be nurturing. On July 5, act to ground others by offering sources of physical or soul nutrition with an attitude of reverence. At 6:57pm ET, the Cancer New Moon suggests applying recent healing insights to your relationships.